Yuri Kalendarev

Project for Kilian. ANN. Groningen, Holland

Light, Laser Animation


The main intention of Kalendarev’s Kiel project is the transformation of war into an event which is not completely exhausted by the war itself, but which is constantly combining with its precursor and antipode, the German Enlightenment. Within this project as it is planned, the event of war becomes an event of this specific place, of the city of Kiel, where, at the end of the 18th century, Nicolai realized his project of enlightenment, and where - almost one and a half centuries later - a huge submarine pen was built by prisoners.

Mikhail Ryklin


Nature of project:  Anti-monument.

Materials:  Light, Air, Sound, Water.

Situation:  Year 1995. Baltic Sea, Germany. Bay of the city of Kiel.


1.  Blue underwater pulsating circle of light in the Bay of Kiel, near the ruins of Kilian, (visible from the city).

2.  Appearing and disappearing light-projected names of all the battle-ships, U-boats, planes, prisoners, victims etc. - all participants in the drama of Kilian.


3.  Historically precise location of Friedrich Nicolai’s printing works, lit by blue light on the other side of the Bay, in the city of Kiel.
